Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's good to have goals Wednesday, October 8, 2008

No doubt about it, it's good to have goals. But, it's also good to be honest with yourself, and I've come to understand that I do way better when I'm not modifying my eating habits a la dieting/cleansing etc. When I'm under pressure of starting a new nutritional regime, there's always that "last" muffin or coffee or brownie, what-have-you. When I'm not about to diet, I generally make healthy choices, with the odd indulgence. I've deleted all of my goals, I'm trying out a new approach of not trying, and of letting myself choose, knowing that I will choose wisely. I know what healthy food is, I know what my body needs. I am not going to go crazy, and I will enjoy things a helluva a lot more if I'm not judging myself on everything I put into my mouth.

Exercise. I don't like strength training, and I don't particularly like treadmills (except that they calculate your time and km's, which is helpful.) But I don't want my life to be about that. I like yoga, pilates, and hiking, out in nature with my dogs and my best friend/partner/boyfriend.

I'm determined to get busy enjoying my life, and creating activity that cultivates expansiveness, meditation and communion with nature.

Anyhoo, it seems that I'm on the verge of starting a wellness centre with a couple of other women! We went to view our potential spot, a Victorian mansion in the town where I was born. It was the original hospital in town, and I think we are going to go for it. It has a few ghosts, most prominent was a nurse that used to work there, but she's benign, and I felt something else in the nursery, but I'm not quite felt like many different presences's going to cost a lot of money initially to get started, but I don't feel like this is going to be a major problem for us. My solar plexus gave me the a-ok feeling when we discussed it today, and it feels right!

I'm very very very very very very excited about this new venture. It's time, and I know that I have a lot to offer my hometown. The group of women that will be running this clinic is composed of strong, compassionate and genuine women, and I think we are going to do very well.

Ahhhh....ciao for now!!

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