Saturday, November 29, 2008

Really Raw Day 10 - I HEART GREENS

I just wanna start out by expressing my gratitude to greens. I love the energy they provide, and all the nutrition they provide. I'm confident that increasing my intake of greens has been incredibly conducive to my healing. Eating more fruit has been a phenomenal switch that has helped so much with cravings. It's so simple I could cry:) People around me are losing the battle to viruses all over the place, And I've managed to avoid getting really sick. I know I'm fighting something right now but I notice it mostly in a sore throat, and I had swollen glands the other morning. That, of course I am willing to attribute to detox, as well as the acne that has 'popped' up here and there. I have been having herb teas at work however. Wonderful, tonic herbs like mint and ginger, dried berries like elder, currant and blueberry, and the odd teaspoon of raw, local honey. It's a beautiful thing, this plant kingdom. It provides us with so much. And this body of mine, that given the right conditions can heal itself!! What a gift.

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