Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Really Raw Day - Day 13 - Raw Coconut Macaroons

I'm amazed at the extra time I have now, LOL! I've been sticking to pretty simple raw creations thus far, and I must say I'm kinda bored at times. I don't mind the fact that it cuts back on dishes, that's for sure...still, I've gotta try making some more complex raw goodies, cuz I know that experimenting will help me to stick with the program.

Actually, it's bizarre how I don't crave the things I used to. I've baked chocolate chip cookies, brownies, orange cranberry loaf and tons of muffins at work and not had the inkling to indulge.

I'm more likely to crave cucumber or bananas or.,.ooo the tomatoes are fantastic right now. We've been getting them from a local farmer who has a greenhouse nearby and they are so sweet and juicy! Mmmmmm!!!

Raw Coconut Macaroons:

3 cups shredded coconut
1 1/2 raw cacao powder or almond flour
3/4 to 1 cup agave nectar (we used raw honey - start out with 1/2 cup)
1/4 cup coconut oil

Mix together with hands.

Refrigerate until firm, scoop into balls and place on tray...refrigerate, or dehydrate.

*add vanilla extract and use almond flour for a vanilla coconut macaroon.

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