Monday, July 28, 2008

Almost August's been about two weeks now since I've run! My original goal was to learn to run 10k, but their has been some big shifts happening in my life, and consistency, the very key to making big changes has been lacking in me , obviously. I'm not upset about this, I've just decided to change my goal to 5 k. I'm almost there, and I think I can definitely achieve this by the finish date that I set for myself.

In focusing so much on spiritual endeavours, I've scattered myself a bit. I must remember the physical, and that I still need to balance life in this cultural paradigm with REAL life. For example, I forgot to renew my car insurance (!)and my plate sticker this year! It's actually rather funny, and I realized it, and planned to go and sort things out this week. Last night however, when I was leaving my mother's place, a cop was on the road behind me and noticed my sticker. Then he noticed my pink slip had expired. So, he went back to his cruiser and tried to check out my insurance status. While he was doing that, I grabbed some tobacco, and prayed to the Great Spirit, and my Spirit Guides and Guardians to reveal the compassion and leniency in this situation (driving without insurance is a $5000 fine!) I released the tobacco out my car window, and then a wind-born seed floated into my car, and drifted gently out again. At that point, I knew that they were on the case!

A few minutes passed, and the officer came back. He was unable to check on my insurance status (darn computers) but issued me a ticket for $110 for the outdated plate sticker. I'm going to take it to court, only because I know that the Canadian Justice System is backed up for months, and it will give me time to figure out where that money will come from.

Hehehe...I don't really care! Normally, an event such as this would have sent me into a spiral of self-hatred, and then probably a binge to numb the pain...but now it just made me realize my need for focus, and a need to pull in my resources from the universe. I know that I am taken care of - I have a lot of very worthy friends on the other side, and even a couple here on earth:) Taking better care of my 'paperwork' will be effortless, cuz I said so!

Life, afterall, is all about choices...


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