Thursday, July 31, 2008

Last day of July... Thursday, July 31, 2008

Today was a pretty good day. I didn't accomplish much, but I'm used to that - I often schedule more tasks than I have time or ambition for!

I'm going to bed in a few minutes, it's 9 pm, Sunset. It's a beautiful smatter of pinks and magentas against a pale blue grey...gorgeous, as always. I'm hoping that if I get to bed early, I'll get up with the sun. I want to give my body the rest that it requires as my brain forges new neural pathways as I learn to expand my consciousness. I've become a pretty darn good manifester, and I want to continue on this path of spiritual rebirth.

I ate mostly raw foods today, and I was able to avoid having more than one coffee, and I didn't have any pastries (not even a taste) which is truly hard when I work at the cafe!! I made up a new drink today, a strawberry lemonade chiller...I think it should be the drink special for the rest of the summer:)

I am grateful to have a job where I can be creative and express myself.

I am grateful to have learned so much from my friends

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