Monday, July 7, 2008

Running update/Buddha knows

Just got in from trail running, boy is it ever hot out there already! I ran for 2 minutes, walked 1, repeated cycle 8 times. I walked for 5 min. before, and for about 15 minutes after. Don't know what that amounts to in km's, don't care right now. Since it's so bloody hot today, I think I'm going to stick around the house and catch up on invoicing etc. Maybe take the dogs for a swim later in the afternoon.

It's just after 10 am, I did wake up a half hour earlier than usual again today, even though I stayed up too late last nite. I plan to hit the gym as soon as they open tomorrow (well, maybe not right at 6:30, it'll likely be 7!) and I'm thinking I'm gonna start running everyday, provided my body can cope with it! I feel that it would be beneficial to do yoga on a daily basis too, to keep my muscles relaxed and fluid. It is time for me to achieve my goals, I've been too easy on myself, and too hard on myself at the same time. Life is meant to be joyful, believe it or not. It can be effortless and enjoyable to be active and disciplined. It's all in the mindset that you create your world from!

In high school, I had a history teacher who showed us movies for most of the semester. Best class ever!! But one image that has always stuck with me is from a movie where Keanu Reeves plays Siddartha(!) I think it's called Little Buddha, but it may be called Siddartha. Anyway, at some point in the movie, he is standing in the river, and it occurs to him that: "If the string is too tight it will break, if the string is too loose it won't play." D'uh! Such an epiphany really - it is not about being too strict, and it is not about having no restrictions. It is about finding a perfect balance of tension that allows the perfect vibration to carry out when the string is plucked. I am that string!

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