Tuesday, January 6, 2009

7 lbs in 3 days:)

This was the result of MY 3 days...results may vary;)

No pills; no exotic teas; NO exercise; and the best part is that it didn't cost me a ton of money!!!

Basically, I stripped everything out of my diet, and built from square one with water, and as much fresh fruit and vegetables as I wanted. ANYTHING from pineapples to peaches, broccoli to bok choy, apples to avocadoes. (Did you know that for every gram of refined carbohydrate you eat, your body stores 2.7 grams of water?!)

I ate whenever and whatever (within above parameters) I wanted, and included small amounts of nuts and seeds (read: a healthy spoonful of nut butter-which is awesome in a smoothie!)

I'm not gonna lie: I had some withdrawal symptoms, particularly from coffee and sugar! But I dealt with headaches with water, not pills (which may hinder weight loss).

By the third day, I was feeling loads slimmer and thinking so much more clearly. My moods stabilized, and I couldn't help but feel optimistic. The holiday bloat was over, and I'm starting 2009 with a 'fresh' perspective.
The great thing is, this can be adapted to a long term successful weight loss program.

I've lost over 80 lbs and kept it off simply by reducing or eliminating junk food and focusing my diet on REAL FOOD...not to be confused with all that other crap they call food, LOL!

I'm not selling anything. That's probably not what people expect, but I have been hella miserable at points in my life, so unhappy with the way I looked and felt...if I can steer someone else towards a healthy change, I will be that much happier:)

I'm proud to say that if being overweight and miserable has taught me anything, it's compassion! (and an understanding of confidentiality).


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