Saturday, January 3, 2009

Really Raw 2009 Day 3

Saturday. Worked at the cafe today, and I still don't like my job. I love the cafe, I just don't like what I do there. Perhaps I will elaborate on that later, but for now I want to put that part of my day behind me and just release. Ahhhhh....

The soup today was my favourite, a vegetable barley soup made with miso! I can proudly tell you that I did not partake of it, though I did bring some home for my boyfriend to enjoy when he gets home from work.

Surprisingly, I did not have trouble dealing with the presence of chocolate chip cookies and buttertarts. It was the miso soup, the kamut bagels, the grilled veggies that I somewhat missed. But then I came home and made a pretty kick ass salad and a so-so dressing (should've gone with the tahini recipe!) and now it's all good.

I have a mild headache right now, and I've been breaking out in a couple of places. Not so good, but overall I think my skin is already looking more vibrant, and my eyes seem clearer. I feel like a plant that has just received water after a long time without. Not at the top of my game, but on my way!

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