Sunday, January 4, 2009

Really Raw 2009 Day 4 - About meh.

Wuh. I'm so tired right now. I've had a mild headache all day, which is to be expected. I don't feel like posting very much right now, cuz I don't have that much to say...what am I talking about, I can ramble on with the best of them! There are a lot of things that I want to change this year. After my Dad passed away in September 2007, I kinda dropped the ball on a lot of things, and became this unmotivated person who accomplishes relatively little in her daily life (thanks to you, internet!)

I've always been overweight, ever since the day I was born weighing in at 10 lbs, 1 oz! By grade 4 I was 120 lbs, and in high school I crept from 180 to 220, topping at 250 by my first (and only) year of university. I was studying archaeology then. We had an osteology lab where we examined a human skeleton, and I realized I wanted to work with the living:) Forensics has always been an interest of mine, but when I thought about this young Indian woman whose spirit once inhabited dem bones, I became curious about traditional medicines. I thought I would study ethnobotany, but actually found this amazing herbal school in Toronto, where I was trained as a traditional herbalist.

Herbalism really opened my eyes, and changed my life. I realized that the way I was eating/living was going to send me to an early grave along a very painful road. Pretty quickly, I became a vegetarian and lost over 75 lbs! It just dropped off, I couldn't believe how easy it was. Naturally, I had tried SO many diets since grade 4 and never managed to lose the chunk. Now, I've maintained that weight loss for over 5 years:)

I now weigh the same as I did when I was 12. Must be something to do with hormones, or set point theory or something. I don't believe that I am stuck here, I just need to make the necessary lifestyle changes to release the remaining junk.

Raw food seemed like the natural next step to me. I am excited and encouraged by all of the info available, and all of the support that I am finding, at least in my cyber life!

Here's to the next chapter of my life...Cheers!

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