Friday, January 9, 2009

Really Raw 2009 Day 8 & 9 - so tired today!

I have to be honest, I was losing steam yesterday and today...just slowing down a bit and wanting to nap more. Today, I attribute that to having a bit of a higher fat start to my day, having put a little too much avocado in my smoothie, coupled with the fact that I have my period. So, I took a nap when I got home today and it's all good. I made a big salad with fennel, celery, green onions and a dressing of orange, goji berries, dates and sunflower seeds. I thought it was okay, but my boyfriend really really enjoyed it:)

I have three persimmons left, I'm waiting for them to ripen a bit more. Other than that, I'm fantasizing about rolling up my sleeves and attempting to make some uber yummy raw food desserts soon!

To all my raw lovelies out there doing this 100 day challenge with me: Lots of love with a cherry on top! Knowing that you guys are out there doing this too makes it so much easier to stick to it.

Day 10 is upon us! Woo Hoo!!!

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