Monday, January 19, 2009

Really Raw 2009 Day 19 - I ate dog food last night...

LOL! I've been cooking rice and lentils with veggie scraps for my dogs, and last night my boyfriend and I ate some of their dinner. It was good, but a little more bland than I usually care for. I've been maintaining high raw, whole foods, though I think I feel better the more raw it is, so I try to lean as heavily on raw as possible. The only cooked foods I've been eating has been rice, soup, and the odd beer...overall, I'm managing quite well...though I did have a chocolate chip cookie! I paid for that dearly with a little bit of misery in the form of a headache, which in turn made me grumpy. So, the plan becomes, making raw desserts (like brownies!) to help me transition guilt free from now on.

I want to take this opportunity to give a cyber high five to all y'all out there doin' this with me. Knowing that I'm not doing this alone gives me great strength and inspiration. Much love to all you raw-fuers out there!


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