Thursday, January 15, 2009

Really Raw - Day 15 - Could it be that I feel more alive??

I'm still recovering from the cooked food incident - I bought some digestive enzymes yesterday and they are definitely helping. I think it was perhaps the cooked fat in the chinese-style cooked veggies that did it to me...I swear my digestion had just stopped, and my gall bladder didn't know what hit him! I'm sure my liver is still dealing with the aftermath. Thank god it wasn't as bad as it could have been, and I am all the wiser for the experience! Now that I am feeling better, I feel somehow more aware, more senses are stronger, and my mind-body connection is stronger I think! This experience has helped me to cross a threshold of some kind. I am more sensitive to the life force energy - my own at least anyway...

And now for something completely random: I had a honeydew melon this morning that tasted like bubblegum ice cream...I swear! It was 10x more enjoyable than I can remember that ice cream being though...I recall the rock-hard bubblegum chunks being less than appealing!

I've tweaked my raw commitment today to include some cooked food today: my commitment being to high raw whole food for life! This is the natural next step for me. I plan to make the most of this gift of a body, and to treat it like the proverbial temple that it is! That is me being highly idyllic of course, but I truly feel as though I've learned some harsh realities here...some foods just aren't fit for human consumption!

We are the creators of our health and our illnesses. We all have weaknesses that are like rocks along the shore line, with the ocean tide being like health; we only see the rocks when the tide is out! I know that I have inherited some less than desirable rocks from my ancestors. But I know that I have control to some extent over how much they are allowed to express themselves in my physicality. If I didn't believe that in healing, anything is possible, there would be no point, nothing to strive for!

I am so grateful that everyday my consciousness expands and unfolds.

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