Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Really Raw 2009 Day 6 & 7

Feeling pretty darn good. Went to the grocery store yesterday, and got some Persimmons, a.k.a. Sharonfruit for the first time.

They look a lot like a pale tomato, but they are sweet and pretty yummy. My boyfriend doesn't like them yet, but he'll come around. I'm fantasizing about having a couple of persimmon trees on our farm (when we get a farm:)

I had seen them before in grocery stores, but never knew what to do with them. Well, you eat them, duh! I slice mine in have and eat them, skin and all. I think that they are beneficial to the respiratory system, because I could feel 'action' in my sinus (particularly upper sinus & nose). You can get a species that is native to North America and stores well...

As for my raw adventure, I'm on day 7 and I feel better. Actually, I feel taller, more enthusiastic and motivated. The back pain that accompanied my sciatica is gone, though I can still 'feel' my sciatic nerve, even though it doesn't really hurt. I can tell it is getting better. Well, back to work!

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