Monday, January 12, 2009

Really Raw 2009 Day 12 - DERAILED!

OMG it's Day 12!

I have to confess, I ate cooked food today. My boyfriend took me out for lunch, and we went to the chinese buffet. I thought they would have a decent salad bar, but it was just iceberg lettuce and pickled beets. Not even tomato slices, was pretty pathetic. So I ate some chow mein (the mung sprout one), stir fry vegetables and mushrooms.

I'm not going to worry about it - I'm just going to keep on truckin' with the raw living and give myself some 'get outta jail free' coupons. Seriously, I am learning a lifestyle. A couple of fuck-ups along the way are to be expected! I'm also not a raw food purist. I do think that high raw is important, but I don't think cooked foods are the devil...a lot of them are, but a lot are perfectly healthy in small doses too...I get this line of thinking from Dr. Joel Fuhrman. His book: 'Eat to Live' is very educational:)

I'm not abandoning my commitment. Far from it really, because I actually feel pretty crappy and have learned a great lesson today! I have come such a long way in my journey to healthy living. I'm going to choose to celebrate that and give myself a pat on the back for my efforts.


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