Wednesday, January 7, 2009

"If you keep doing what you are doing, you'll keep getting what you are getting."

I have had some questions (naturally) so I thought I would share with those who are interested.

A lot of the time, we use food, food-like substances (like Doritos), cigarettes, or alcohol to cope with emotions or stressful situations.
If you are 'addicted' to something like bread, salad dressing, or whatever, you can still reap benefits just by seeing what you can ADD to your diet to make it healthier. Water is always a good one! So is bumping up your intake of leafy greens. Even if they are smothered in dressing (just not toooo much) you will notice a difference.

So pick something and get started.


"this week, I'm going to eat an apple everyday."

"I am going to take the stairs once a day."

"I am going to snack on raw nuts instead of a candy bar."

I didn't just jump into this, I've been practicing for awhile :P

Meat and grains are fine, if kept to a minimum. You can use meat as a garnish and still reap all of the benefits while reducing some of the bad.
You will not die without meat. I've been mainly vegetarian for about 5 years or so. I eat meat MAYBE once a year, and I'm in the best health of my life.

Increasing fruits and vegetables increases your overall nutrition, and will help to drive toxins from your cells...which equates to weight loss in most cases.

It works like this: If you keep doing what you are doing, you\'ll keep getting what you are getting. If you switch from Diet A to Diet B to lose weight, and then switch back to Diet A, you will gain back the weight. If, on the other hand you practices forging new, healthy eating habits, you will reap many more benefits than weight loss, and you will have greater success keeping it off indefinitely!

The thing that is killing us is refined and processed foods, like sugars, flours and additives. If aboriginal cultures are introduced to a western diet, they gain weight, get heart disease and develop diabetes in a lot of cases. If you take that same group of people back to their traditional lifestyles, all of those problems get better, and eventually disappear. So many of our modern diseases are a result of being overfed and undernourished.

*Did you know that in order to get the same amount of iron from modern conventional apples that you would from an apple in 1940, you would have to eat 3?? Thanks to western agricultural practices for that!

*A deficiency in vitamin E, C, B12, or B6 causes DNA mutation similar to that caused by radiation??

Anything you do to lose weight, you're gonna have to keep on doing. That includes any pills, teas, or exercise programs. I could see myself walking everyday, but could I drink those nasty tasting teas or afford TrimSpa for the rest of my life? Not likely. Do I want to use a pill that, though it does help me to lose weight, also makes me afraid to fart in public lest I shit myself? LOL...I think you know that answer to that one!

Making lifestyle changes can be difficult, but so rewarding. A healthy diet can reduce inflammation, reduce anxiety, depression and stress, 'cure' any number of diseases and extend your life while increasing the quality of life!

Doesn't that sound good? If we can't live forever, we can at least live fully.


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